Arms Hucbald ap Urp
The Medieval Engineering Project began as a method to spread knowledge
while learning and promoting the sciences in An Tir.
Medieval Engineering
There is more to the Sciences than seige engines.

Medieval Engineering

“So then it appears the possibility of the origin other word as coming from an
apparent evolution from the original Low Latin, ingegniarius, referred to "that who
uses an machine (engine)" — engine itself coming from ingenium, that is, clever

Medieval Engineering has a long history dating back to antiquity and likely even earlier. Without engineering we would not have designed cities, advanced argiculture or even ships. While there are many engineers that can be mentioned some stand out more than others while yet others go almost unnoticed.

A few examples
350 BC   The Chinese develop a printing press with symbols carved on a wooden block
200 BC   Archimedes (287-212 BC) ( the birth of fluidstatics & earliest recorded writing in mechanics) Archimedes made statics (engineering mechanics) an Autonomous theoretical science
50 AD   Vitruvius writes ten volume compendium of Roman engineering practice
105 AD   Tsai Lun invents paper
180 AD   First alchemy writings appeared in Egypt.
400 AD   Windmill in use in China
700 AD   Chinese invent Porcelain
820 AD   Algebra Invented
1126 AD   First artesian well dug in Artois.
1180 AD   Use of a glass mirror is recorded.
1199 AD   Alexander Neckam from St Albans writes De naturis rerum ("On natural things") and makes the first known Western reference to the magnetic compass.
1242 AD   Roger Bacon describes the preparation of gunpowder ( in use in China in 1000 AD)
1428 AD   Painter, Masaccio (1401-1428) introduces perspective - a technique that brought a three-dimensional look to painting
1450 AD   The Chinese develop a printing press that uses Movable wooden blocks
1454 AD   Johannes Gutenburg invents a printing press with movable metal type
1500 AD   Birth of Engineering Science (start of Renaissance)